Monday, July 26, 2021

Day 49. Newark to Syracuse, NY



Today was a relatively easy day mostly on the Erie Canal Trail with some road cycling interspersed,  The pics below give a general idea of the riding conditions. Riding along we have seen many birds including: goldfinches, cardinals, robins, redwing black birds, osprey, egrets, great blue heron, turkey vultures, sparrows, swallows and I heard a thrush. I am sure there are many more that I do not know. Much of the trail today was along a stretch of the older, and abandoned, canal. Thus, the trail was generally in the woods and quiet.  Sweet!!

Crossing the canal

A bit of history

The original canal was completed in 1825, the year before John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died. As you can see from above it has been enlarged since then.

By the numbers:
Dist - 56.3 miles
Elev Gain - 1,154 ft
Elev Loss - 1,195 ft
Moving time 5:00

Dist to go. 498 miles


  1. Looks beautiful Perk. Glad you have reached S-IRA-cuse. Watching lots of Olympics TV and live streaming these days. Pretty surreal with no audiences but the athletes are going all out A few new events to watch eg skateboarding and surfing! Rowing postponed today due to tropical storm expected to graze Tokyo. What else?!! Ride safe. Best Tim

  2. Nice riding -- good trail for two days mostly with lots of birds and trees and quiet, maybe best of all.

    So you are now under 500, which is very nice. With such a string of pleasant days, maybe you should keep going. Well, maybe not. Finishing feels good.

    Sunday we celebrated Nancy's birthday, and Monday had more therapy at Swedish. Grateful for both as well as your progress.

    This reminds me of the C&O Canal trail we took from MD to VA a few years ago. Same surface, but not in good repair and since it had rained a lot, we had mud to deal with, but it was along the Potomac, so it still was very picturesque, and the old canal infrastructure was interesting. There was no water, but the old locks were still there as well as the lock-keepers houses, all maintained for historical purposes.

  3. Hey, Warren, just thought we'd chime in. Marcia and I have been following your epic adventure, participating vicariously from our easy chairs. Jealous. I grew up just outside of Syracuse, my dad taught at Syracuse University before he moved to UW. Keep up the great work traveling and blogging. Let us know if you need us to send someone out to find you ;-)
