Thursday, July 15, 2021

Day 40 Camp Sack-In to Perrysburg, OH


 A bit of a late start as I had to break camp, fold up the tent, etc. I was stalled a bit more as my Garmin was not talking to my phone. The Subway sub I bought yesterday was for breakfast as my kind camp neighbors asked me for dinner (read yesterday’s blog). Finally underway around 9.

Immediately I was on dirt roads, but it did not last long. Soon I was on paved lonely, quiet section roads. It is a bit like Groundhog Day with these section roads. There was a good SW breeze, however, so I was able to make good time. 

Soon I was in Ohio. I did not see any state line markers and I was on gravel so change in asphalt was no help. However I did see this sign before too long.

At an intersection a bit later I asked a maintenance worker if the road I was on continued to be paved to the east. He said “It is paved all the way to Toledo.” For me that was music to my ears -Toledo - I really am in Ohio! I am in good company loving Toledo, Klinger (MASH), Dan Poneman (my brother-in-law) and now me! Maybe I can go to Tony Pacos?

Later I stopped to ask a farmer for water as it was hot and humid. We got to chatting about the rain. He has received 9 inches of rain since July 1, while to the west is a dry oven. 

I tried to pickup the Wabash-Cannonball Trail but no luck; I am not riding it here.

Around noon feeling tired, I stopped under a tree at a cemetery and called Nancy. We chatted for awhile and then I moved on.  I found AC, food and water in Wauseon and had a second, and better, lunch.

Back on the road I decided to divert to the Cannonball Trail to see if was paved. Eureka, it is! They recently extended it, the maps need to be revised.

I rode this portion of the trail for about 20 miles. It was wonderful, even in the thunderstorm downpour which lasted about 1.5 hours. After winding through Maumee and Perrysburg I arrived at the Warm Showers home of Bob & Colleen, soaked and tired. I am staying in a cozy annex they have. Great folk, lots of laughs at dinner. They asked if it is hard to get going in the morning, if I want I can sleep in. I replied that I am not sure if I am channeling Forest Gump or Dori from Finding Nemo “Just keep swimming!” but I need to keep going.

By the numbers:
Dist - 72.5 miles
Elev Gain - 1,303 ft
Elev Loss - 1,634 ft
Moving time 5:42



  1. Glad you found a paved trail and a warm shower at the end of a long ride.

  2. Whew, sure does sound like groundhog day again and again, but glad you found a beautiful trail named after the Wabash Cannonball (another old fold ballad I once tried to learn in vain in my guitar days).

  3. Toledo, Warmshowers- sweet.
    The Lake Erie coastline looks nice. Expect you’ll have a good swim there.

  4. OHIO! Great progress, thunderstorms notwithstanding. Cloudy and cool here. The bike trail looks and sounds inviting. 20 miles of that can be a real morale lifter.

    I forgot if I mentioned this earlier, but are you carrying extra removable chain links? You probably are, but if not, having a couple in your tool kit might be a time saver if your chain breaks.

    We went through Bowling Green and Cleveland. It will interesting to learn how you exit Ohio. You have the right idea: don't sleep in and keep going. Pedaling like the turbine shaft on a ship: it it doesn't turn, the ship doesn't move.

    I will be interested also to see if you swim in Lake Eire. I expect it will be really cold, but if you need to cool off, that might do it.
