Saturday, June 5, 2021

Day 6 - Dayton to Clarkston

 HOWLING TAILWIND WSW 20 -25 with higher gusts. Temps in the 70s.

Left Dayton around 7:30 arrived Clarkston 3:30. 

Heart reverted to normal rhythm as I was drifting off to sleep last night. Onward we go!

Great ride with two long awesome downhills. I had a good grip on the brake handles. Max speed 32, but could have been much higher. The tailwind was a great help most of the time, particularly going over Alpowa Summit west of Clarkston.  I had to hang on tight as a gust would shift the bike instantly a foot or two sideways. Every once in awhile the wind shifted and BAM, downshift, lower the head, grit your teeth and try to maintain 6 mph. Coasted into Clarkston on the tail wind, flat road, an occasional push on the pedal and doing 15 mph!

ONE STATE DONE! Entering Idaho tomorrow.

Beautiful scenery in Palouse country. Rolling hills, lots of wheat and windmills.  We were on the Lewis & Clark Trail pretty much all day. Lots of roadside markers. A guy at the hotel last night (going the opposite direction) commented that there were lots of markers about some explorers he had never heard of.

Pretty much a needed “easy” day.

Paul got a flat about 10 miles from Clarkston, staple. Changing a flat on a recumbent bike with a Rohloff hub adapted to the bike is not an easy task, particularly with cars and trucks several feet away doing 60 mph.

By the numbers:
Dist - 67 miles
Elev gain - 2,970 ft
Elev loss - 3,714 ft
Moving time 5:12


  1. Wow looking at those rolling hills there… they’re rolling with ya!

  2. Tell Paul he is slacking off with that lie down bike! Love the story off the old gent and his take on the gospel according to Matthew! The wind seems like a friend but also a potential foe - very similar to small boat travel. Really enjoying your blog guys !

  3. Warren, I am astounded by your courage and your craziness. There are days when I am super jealous of you doing this ride and I think "someday . .." and then I read your blog about the wind and the super downhills and the traffic and I'm like "nope. Not a smart idea." Apparently that fancy-pants education of yours doesn't mean much for common sense . . .

  4. Beautiful pictures of the Palouse! And now you're in Nez Perce country! Heading for Lolo Pass, I presume. Looking forward to that part of the story.
