Thursday, June 17, 2021

Day 15 Bozeman to Big Timber, MT


Good ride today. We left a little late as I managed to lose the only key to the locked garage with my bike inside it, but eventually found the key after a 30 min panic session. 

After sad goodbyes to my sister and brother-in-law we rode 4 blocks to the coffee shop to carb up. Finally off around 9.

The route was up Bridger Canyon to Jackson Creek Rd, stunningly beautiful. Long easy uphill, great run down! No brakes or pedaling required for about 10 miles!

Eventually we ended up on the I-90 frontage road and in Livingston. While waiting for the traffic light Hank (from earlier posts) and his friend Sam pulled up in Sam’s car, they were going for a hike. We all had lunch together.

Sam lives in Bozeman, he advised us to ride I-90 frontage road and I-90 where there is no frontage road. Adventure Cycle recommended same. Ridewithgps recommended Convict Grade Road, gravel. We took Convict Grade Rd.  Beautiful views but gnarly gravel. We had to walk about a mile, but it was worth it to be off I-90. 

Crossed the Yellowstone River and rolled around in it. Now in Big Timber. Met a nice guy, Vince, a steel worker from Ohio, fishing. 

We had a post ride beer with the proprietor of a local gift store, Nancy, her friend Joan, and Nancy’s daughter Kate. Joan is a photographer and had some great photos in the store. Nancy is a totally irreverent retired thoracic  surgeon. She retired a few years ago, left Princeton NJ, bought a ranch near here and setup shop. “I had to get away from manicured lawns”.

Jeff Brown is now riding with me. Great to have his company!

Convict Grade Rd

Yellowstone River

Convict Grade Rd

View from Convict Grade Rd

Temps in the 80’s, wonderful tailwind all afternoon. Not much wind in the morning.

By the numbers:
Dist 69.1 miles
Elev Gain 2,922 ft
Elev Loss 3,536 ft
Moving time 5:37


  1. Nice Wa!
    Glad you had a good day.
    Best wishes to you and Jeff
    ( I am really glad to be able to follow you with this blog)

  2. From the other Winthrop G-32 Paul
    I am also enjoying the daily blog. Photos are great but where is a picture of Joe and Gussie?

  3. Wow, those amazing vistas just keep on coming. Be careful, you may prompt some conspiracy theorists to suggests you guys are just drinking pops back in Seattle and posting this virtually. . . I wonder why you had to walk the bikes? Convict road too rough for tires perhaps? Stay well and keep 'em coming! Tim

  4. Looks like a nice day -- the road looks pretty flat and the scenery very pleasant. I hope it was, and with the tail wind, it had to be a good one. The socializing is one of the best parts of the Trans Am, especially cold beer with people you meet. I assume you didn't camp on a manicured lawn
