Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Day 27 Barnesville to Ashby


I left Barnesville around 10:30 after more wonderful time, a great breakfast, and more rhubarb pie, with Bill and Elaine.

Rode Rt 52 to Fergus Falls. Very quiet road. The northerly wind held from prior days but now was my friend as I headed southeast. I think my average speed today may have been the fastest of the trip, but I am not really tracking it.

Lunch in Fergus Falls at an old diner type restaurant on the main drag. I picked up the Central Lakes Trail in Fergus Falls and will be on it for the next two days. Being off the road is sweet! Arrived Ashby Camground around 5. I had a nice chat with a guy on his recumbent trike on the trail.

I spent much of the afternoon listening to old Prairie Home Companion shows; seemed appropriate since I am near Lake Wobegon.

Turn up the volume. Wait a few seconds for it to start.

Prairie Home Companion - Rhubarb Pie


Scenes from the road. Crops Mostly corn, some sugar beets

My campsite tonight. Now for a swim!

By the numbers:
Dist - 56.3 miles
Elev Gain - 1,104 ft
Elev Loss - 918 ft
Moving time 3:58


  1. This lake view, and the post in general, deserve a fourth "Sweet!".

  2. Warren, As you get closer to Maine, I hope that you have you a collection of the best of Car Talk to replace Prairie Home Companion!

  3. Hi Warren .... a day late, but your blog brings back memories. We rode that trail down to St. Cloud in 2016 on our Fargo-VA tour. We had breakfast in Fergus at that cafe. I believe it was the Viking. Enjoy the quiet of the trail and the small towns....eg
