Monday, August 9, 2021

Day 61. Peaks Island, Portland to Bath, ME


I had a great night with Jean on Peak’s Island overlooking Portland Harbor. I believe the salt air acted like a sleeping pill for me. I was out cold with no interruptions all night. These “friend/family of friend” connections across the country, and Warm Showers, have made this trip much more enjoyable and interesting, and are truly appreciated.

I left Peaks Island on the 8:15 ferry for the 20 min ride across the harbor in the mist. The Eagle, the Coast Guard’s square rigger was parked at the waterfront.

After a rather bad cup of coffee, and somewhat stale doughnut, I pushed on along the waterfront eventually arriving in Falmouth an hour or so later to visit a good friend, Dick Henriques' mom (See day 56). After a cup of tea and a nice chat it was time to put in some miles and get a good chunk of the day’s ride done. 

The countryside was mostly rural residential with some corn fields and nautical related businesses: marinas, boat yards, sailmakers, etc. occasionally there were peep holes views of the bay between homes and through trees. Rolling hills dominated the terrain.

I arrived in Brunswick, home of Bowdoin College around 2:30. Bowdoin is a highly rated D3 college.

Arts Building

On campus Chapel

College offices, may have been a sea captain’s home?

Onward into town stopping at the Little Dog Cafe, where one of my nieces, Sydney, worked for awhile, then the final push to Bath.

Biking around the corner on the bike trail and surprise, my brother & sister-in-law were waiting to escort me the final 10 miles to their house!

I am now feeling quite content after a good dinner and chat with Paul, Nancy and Sydney, and with Syd’s two young kids (4 yr and 8 mo) keeping us (Ok not me so much, the joys of being an uncle) fully occupied.

This trip has pretty much been all consuming for me. Get up, get going, bike all day with a few stops, shower, dinner, review/revise the next day’s route, write the blog, go to bed, rinse, repeat.  The blog has been great for me to help my addled brain remember all the places I have been, the people I have met and the highs and lows of the trip.

Now (after Wednesday) onto a new chapter of life, which I have yet to figure out. In the immediate future is helping to take care of my mom as she recovers from her hip fracture.  

Lay-day tomorrow (Tuesday). Final ride on Wednesday. Next, and final, post likely Thursday.

Stay well and don’t get COVID.

By the numbers:
Dist - 42.1 Miles
Elev Gain - 1,915 ft
Elev Loss - 1.856 ft
Moving Time 3:59

Total Miles 3,917
Est miles remaining 34. (Original estimate 3,765 miles)


  1. What a beautiful last days! Enjoy it my friend

  2. Warren, you have led an epic adventure with grit, optimism, and tenacity. You blog has been a great source of both documentation/recounting as well as connection for those of us following your every move with vicarious enthusiasm. You have made an incredible journey that also serves as an important life transition. I’m excited for you and Nancy and look forward to more times together. You are an inspiration! Congratulations! Your friend, Doug

  3. I am really going to miss these.

    Bravo Zulu Wa!

  4. Congratulations Warren! Its been a blast following your journey! Looking forward to that final blog post!

  5. Your blog has become part of my daily routine. Following you across the country and now to your Maine home has been very special. Thanks, Uncle Harry

  6. Sounds and looks like a nice day. One day to go, then with riding being your new normal-- you do have a routine down-- we will see you in Seattle around Halloween.

    Bowdoin looks like a great place to spend four years learning. Compared to most colleges, the college offices look pretty modest in size, but appropriately elegant. Yes, it could be captain's house. It looks like there is some kind of widow's walk on the roof.

    My uncle, who was a career Navy chaplain, had a tour at the USCG academy in New London. He went on that ship as the chaplain.

    I hope your mom is healing OK, getting good therapy.

    With your finish, your final mileage will be close to ours. We had 4,107 miles, because we went north from Pueblo, CO, to Missoula before heading west to Florence, OR via Idaho. It took us 84 days compared to your 62. Pour champagne on your helmet.... no just drink it.
