Bath Iron Works, a naval contractor.
Woolwich Town Hall
The finish line
The greeting party
The Wheel dip
The Conclusion
The sermon on the Deck
The view from where I will be for the next couple of months
- With few exceptions everyone I met was kind, considerate and nice. This trip renewed my faith that we all have much more in common than not. This trip renewed my hope that the USA is fundamentally a good place full of good people.
- Unplugging from politics was wonderful and a great stress reducer. (Maybe we could send the political talking heads out into the countryside, unplug them, and the USA would be better off.)
- I lived on my bike for 2 1/2 months. We really don't need all the things we think we need. I started with about 40 lbs of gear. I shed about 10 lbs in Missoula and did not miss it at all.
- A good bike and GREAT TIRES, are essential. I have a Surly disc-trucker, and once I got new tires in Montana (an upgrade from the stock tires that came with the bike) I had zero flats.
By the numbers:
Number of States - 13 - Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.
Dist 38.8 miles
Elev Gain 2,528 ft
Elev Loss 2, 607 ft
Moving Time 3:22
Total Dist 3,955.3
Total Elev Gain 114,352
Total Elev Loss 112,688 (I guess the Atlantic Ocean is higher than the Pacific)
Total Moving Time 323:43
Total Pedal Revolutions 970,840 (estimated)
(Based on 60 RPM and some coasting - 3000 rev/hr)